Thursday, March 19, 2015

Heads up Parents

Sports and Concussion! no one wants one but they've happen to almost everyone at some point in there lives( even if you've never participated in a group sport ). Ive had over 5 myself and that's not including non emergency visits Diagnosis's. The recent  News has been pointing to Head trauma the last tens year to later  neurodegenerativediseases (Favoring the younger age your exposed to head contact the higher risk you become).And with good reason  check out this Study So the question is would you sign your kid up for a sport knowing you'd be endangering his or her brain for future Damage? Not all that play contact sports incur long term effects in fact team sports create a good atmosphere for kids with a sense of team work in a social setting. Martial arts conducted Under a good instructor and facility should be one of your safest places to enroll a child for physical and mental development( not all places emphasis is to hurt each other ). Chris borland of the sanfransico 49's retired last week at the age of 24 years old in caution of is brain for the future  The NFL has made a statement saying 30% of retired players with indeed have Neuro Issues later in life.It comes down to Risk to Reward...If Chris Borland who was schedule to make half a MILLION dollars a year!!! and turned it down for a better  Quality of life later on quote " I don't want to have to negotiate my health for money." Would you signed your kids up for a contact sports knowing the Risks it holds or do you believe there are more rewards?

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