Friday, August 28, 2015

Supplements to feel better Mentally and physically!

Inflammation is the root cause for disease, immune system failure , belly fat , and sore muscles and sometimes depression. How does one create information in their body there's multiple ways from diet to stress to environmental factors. Some of those things we can change and some of those things we can't change for those of the things that we can change here is some supplements that have made me feel better over the years that I take almost every day.

Omega 3 's 
Flaxseed fish Oil walnuts are all sources of omega-3's if you're going to supplement with Fish Oil make sure you get a high-quality brand such as nordic naturals, or Carlson. Reason being is because these omega-3's are extracted from small sardines and not large fish which contain mercury,

Tumeric aka curcummin 
This is a natural plant and part of the ginger family which can be found in Indian and Asian dishes ( usually spicy ) 
Which have a cooling effect on the bodies cortisol system. I personally use 
( I have no connection with This company )
MegaFood Turmeric Strength For Whole Body Tablets, 60 Count (Premium Packaging)

Yes probiotics are not only good for your belly but always good for your brain. Reason being is there something called the " gut brain access " and basically what that means is what your eat is how you'll feel physically and mentally! And good brand I like is ( I have no connection to this product) 

Renew Life Ultimate Flora RTS Critical Care Probiotic, 30 Count
I love taking a powder or liquid form of magnesium when I've been over training or A bit restless. It's natures Xanax! In Turn if you're relaxed you recover better and  your cortisol levels will regulate. Remember workouts and work are worthless if you can't recover and do it the next day great!

If your looking for my info on this post  de Mark hyamn has great info you can find here

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