Relaxing is to take ones ease;rest to become lax or loose or become less restrained. This concept is easier Said than done. We all would like to relax more being that we have jobs and busy schedules but sometimes our life styles don't allow that. We're so we don't think it does, What is it that we do with our free time when we do have free time? Personally I find myself on my cell phone doing non-productive activities towards relaxing. If anything I am Mentally more engaged With petty problems that can drag my whole day down by subconsciously thinking about them always. That really doesn't sound relaxing does it?
Over the past couple weekends I've been spending time with my girlfriend going out to eat, movies, Christmas shopping, But while doing these things I try to keep my cell phone and other Distractions at to a minimum. Completely embracing the present moment and not thinking ahead or behind at all. While walking or in a store or driving I slow my mind down And notice everything and every little detail. It's easy Not to notice everything in detail when our mind is working faster than our body.
We all have a dialogue that goes through our head just like the one that you heard after reading this. So what does your dialogue Say to you what do you say back to your dialogue? Sometimes it's right sometimes it's wrong sometimes it's loud sometimes it's quiet. Sometimes it says I want ice cream and pizza and Burger King and sometimes it says I'm tired. And usually never shuts up Or does it? The dialogue in our head sometimes is more of a distracting and burden than actual everyday physical activities that we do and can bring us down just as fast as real activity. So how I act in this state of mind is I simply notice it( huh there it is again ) And after a while it suppresses. And I can increase and enjoy more present moment than ever and leaving all of my training and hard mat time behind me right where it belongs.
Recently it's been working I've been enjoying training more an time with my girlfriend and family. But it's easy to fall back into my patterns. What are some things you guys do to relax to leave all of your training behind. And does it hope you recover better? Maybe it's videogames maybe it's a Eating a good meal with your significant other or family Whatever it is I love to know guys!
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