Monday, February 4, 2013


Time plays a crucial role in ones life. Weather it be job associated or hobby, or life and death timing is everywhere.Time- is a dimension in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future, and also the measure of durations of events and the intervals between them(

Soccer is one of many sports that require elite timing and finesse. Brazil is no stranger to these kinds of athletes. Why is it that brazil produces so many good players ? is it because there exposed to poverty and t want a better way of living? one would think but, wouldn't other countries with the same standards if not worse be in the same category of elite soccer players? No such luck,since the 1950's Brazil has trained like no other country has before. Futsal was intrduced and is like soccer but higher paced and way more action then regualr soccer.PLayed in an indoor arean ( court-field) its practiced 6 on 6 as apposed to 11 on 11 so in turn EVERYONE is touching the ball ALOT ( aka more time touching the ball)  

This is where you ask yourself what does futsal have to do with soccer and timing and possibly even marital arts! If everyone on the futsal team is playing in the off session while other countries are maybe even playing regular soccer for a month or so. Brazil is not only getting more playing TIME but there also touching the ball 5 times more and honing there Skills.Timing is produced in quantity in ANY sport with practice and Futsal allows them to play a double dose at one time.

Now lets see how this makes a transition into martial arts. Take wrestlers for example ( on a whole) from my experience that ive seen anyone who makes the transition from a combative sport ( wrestling, Judo, smabo) into BJJ 95% of the time catches on Very quickly and excels MUCH faster then those who haven't had body contact in a timing sense ( generally speaking this doesn't apply 100%).They do so well because  its very similar but also because of there abililty and sense of timing (hours of timing).

Every movement , thought, feeling, is a precisely TIMED electrical singnal traveling through a chain of neurons-a circuit of nerve fibers. Myelin is the insulation that wraps these nerve fibers and increases our speed, accuracy , and Strength.The more we fire a  particular circuit the more Myelin produced! In Turn the more TIME spent doing Timing the better your timing gets.Its sounds like the obvious but we all do one thing and expect another to get better.I personally do Body weighted excersice and some how think its going to make my grappling better???

I personally believe there is a correlation between anderson silva,and JOSe aldo playing soccer and having expert timing in mma. WHat are you thoughts? Id love to heard

check this Video out about timing BEN Askren 

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